I have discovered that life is too short not to go for what excites me and for what makes me happy. Life has many things to offer and I am open to meet the Man who is destined to start a life with me.
Je suis intéressé(e) par: Garçon
âge: 38 - 50
But: Relation durable
  • welfare
  • self-knowledge
  • happiness
  • banking
  • Game of Thrones
  • love relationship
  • Riding a bike
Revenu moyen stable
Appartement séparé (loué ou propriétaire)
Pas d'enfants mais j'aimerais en avoir un jour
Degré universitaire
Langues: English
Je ne fume pas
Je bois en compagnie
Taille: 164 cm (5′5″)
Poids: 48 kg (106 lb)
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