, 49
Dari New York City
I use my leisure time to search for the love of my life and that was my aim of registering to Wamba. I want to be in a relationship with a good honest, caring, loving and trustful woman . I want to love and be loved . I want to settle down with a woman and spend the rest of my life only with her .
Menarik: Perempuan
Umur: 41 - 80
Tujuan: Long-term relationship
  • sports
  • movies
  • basketball
  • children's literature
  • classical music
  • club music
  • rhythm and blues
Berpenghasilan tinggi
Apartemen terpisah (disewa atau dimiliki)
Saya memiliki anak, kami tinggal terpisah
Bahasa: English
Saya tidak merokok
Minum untuk pergaulan
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