, 30
From Deventer
An extroverted introvert that likes to make stupid jokes and loves to jump in a serious conversation when it’s presented. recently moved here. Looking for a FLR. Best specimen out there! At least that’s what my sister said, or was it just me? “Yes”, “no” and “good” aren’t the conversations I’m
Interested in: Girl
Age: 21 - 50
Goal: Long-term relationship
  • feminism
  • long-term relationship
  • pet
Stable average income
Separate apartment (rented or own)
No children but I would like to have kids one day
Higher education
Languages: English, Nederlands
I don't smoke
Social drinker
  • The Netherlands
  • Ukraine
  • Germany
Height: 186 cm (6′1″)
Weight: 75 kg (165 lb)
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