, 32
De Brighton
Hello there! Thanks for stopping by! I am new on here and I am a simple, positive, friendly and loving person excited about life. I’m hoping to find the right man to build a life and future with, if you are looking for something serious and future oriented, do not hesitate to message me.. I am looking for a responsible, loving, caring and future oriented man with whom to go through life - both in joy and difficult situations. A person who like me, wants to create a family based on mutual love and respect, friendship and mutual assistance. A man ready to be in charge of the family, with mutual interest we can meet, talk and everything will be as God will rule
Je suis intéressé(e) par: Garçon
âge: 26 - 50
But: Relation durable
Revenu moyen stable
Appartement séparé (loué ou propriétaire)
Pas d'enfants mais j'aimerais en avoir un jour
Enseignement supérieur
Langues: English
Je ne fume pas
Je bois en compagnie
  • Royaume-Uni
Taille: 172.7 cm (5′8″)
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